Thoughts that make a Difference !!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Thought

Random Thoughts

Last week, while I was studying for my exams and busy preparing notes for my project my mind just pondered on a thought; why is it that we are always in a hurry to do something or the other? Why is it that we never stop for a while and think about how much we are missing in our lives!! We are so engrossed in our own life that we keep on missing life’s small joys and cheerful things.

Life is full of joyful and happy events which we should not miss even for a second. Think for a second, leave whatever you are doing right now and think. Think you are standing in a beach, blue skies when you look above, soft waves touch your feet, you feel the sand softer beneath your feet and the cool air around you just embraces you, where no one is there to disturb you, no meetings, nothing! Imagine that you are on a mountain top, it’s raining slightly, where cool breezy air kisses your cheeks, lifts your hair in a bounce!! All greenery around you, you soak in the air and take a deep breath…, hmmm…, sounds nice, isn’t it?? :) This is what I say is life!

But is it necessary that we always need a vacation to be cheerful in life? There are many small things in life which we ignore like for example people who travel in local trains would know, kids who accompany their moms esp. girls :) the way they talk, act, laugh everything about them makes you smile. The thought of kids brings smile to my face:)
Many of them I know are never interested in watching any ads while watching T.V. programs. But for just one day instead of skipping the ads if you watch it you would find it interesting enough esp. the latest ads of Vodafone about their promotional offers, the Zoozoos in the ad or the Max New York Life Insurance ad where the kid repeats words told by his father! Just the thought about the ad brought a smile to your face, isn’t it? :) I knew it. Just for one day you take a day off and spend the day with your family, you would notice the change.

Life is very short and we need to keep this in mind live it to the fullest. You never get a second chance. Like Abraham Lincoln said “And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”