Thoughts that make a Difference !!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tips for Enhancing Memory

Tips for Enhancing Memory

In worklife, there are times when we want to recall some detail and we can't. For Example, name of peer/ client, schedule/ venue or time of an important meeting. In most of the cases, we can significantly improve it by following a few simple tips.

1. Higher the depth of processing, better the recall: The more you think, reason, and comprehend, better the likelihood that you will retain and recall it later on. Good memory is a state of the active mind.

2. Interest and importance: When you are really interested, you pay greater attention and your brain releases chemicals to form deeper "symbol systems" that store memory.

3. Relaxed mind controls anxiety: Learn with a relaxed mind. Recall the learned material with a relaxed mind. High anxiety levels can impair ability to concentrate which limits the recall. If we are too anxious during an interview, we may not recall what we know very well.

4. Faith: If you believe you have a poor memory, your brain will do everything to prove you right.

5. Depressions impair the interest levels and joy in life events. As a result too little energy is left to recall anything. We often hear this phrase "I have lost my mind” when the mind is agitated.

6. Use your favorite sensory channel: Use symbols, Acronyms, Colours and shapes to store and represent information. If you prefer, discuss something with peers. More you process the information, lesser the chance that you would forget it. Use a combination of your sensory systems to stay organized and focused.


Courtesy: my friend, Narasimhan :)